How does pulse velocity test work for structural concrete condition assessment?

Historical masonry needs non-destructive testing to detect microcracking or damage to stones or concrete. An ultrasonic response produces different waves and frequencies for a compression load. This application can be carried out with Ultrasonic Pulse velocity testing capabilities. The same is done in active lab conditions to check the influence of wave velocities. Interested in knowing how it can help you to improve your geographical capabilities? Read the informative ...

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Online Testing System to measure Thickness of PVC Pipes

The Task To design an online testing system to measure thickness of PVC pipes. PVC pipes manufacturers monitors uniformity of wall thickness around the circumference of pipes in order to meet product specifications. So Ultrasonic testing helps in measuring the wall thickness without cutting the pipe, pipe thickness can also be measured after installation. The Solution In this case, the task can be successfully done by supplying 4 channel ultrasonic thickness module which can test t...

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Ultrasonic Distance Meter

The Task We had to design an Ultrasonic Distance Meter in order to measure the distance of an object in air. RTUL distance meter provides a reliable, accurate and faster way to measure distance and calculate area and volume of any space. The Solution The distance meter uses the technique of " Pulse-Echo" technique. An electrical pulse of high voltage is applied to the ultrasonic transducer to generate a burst of sound waves. Whenever, any obstacle is encountered in the ultrasonic p...

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